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Do you feel the friction in your marketing strategies? Are your marketing efforts feel more unnatural to you? 

It all comes down to your personality type and doing things not aligned with your identity.

In this week’s episode, I’ll reveal the three different entrepreneurial personality types you probably didn’t know. 

Moreover, I’ll teach you the marketing approaches best suited to your personality type and how they’ll propel you to succeed in your entrepreneurial journey.

Let’s get started!


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Acknowledging The Different Personality Types

Being an entrepreneur means you’re an innovator and would like to solve problems by building a business. However, there were times when things felt like sandpaper.

Anytime you’re trying to grow something, you’ll typically experience internal resistance to whatever activity you’re doing. This is where acknowledging your personality comes in.

There are different entrepreneurial personality types. Hence, there are various options for you to be successful. Entrepreneurship is certainly not a one-size-fits-all kind of journey.

The 3 Personality Types of Entrepreneurs

Becoming an entrepreneur is hard enough, but picking a marketing strategy that doesn’t align with your personality can turn things into a nightmare!

So the next time you feel like your strategy is sucking more energy from you, consider whether your activity matches your personality.

Here are the three personality types of entrepreneurs and their matching marketing strategies…

1. The Artist

The artist personality type of an entrepreneur is a person who genuinely loves their craft. If you’re a marketer, you sell your product/service by showing or demonstrating it.

In marketing, the best strategy for this kind of entrepreneur is show-and-tell. You see this mostly from people on YouTube or content creators who geek out on showing their target market what they actually do.

2. The Commander

This type of entrepreneur lives and breathes systems and processes. Organizing people to achieve incredible results collectively lights them up on a daily basis.

They’re naturally inclined to be great managers – overseeing the system and holding people to KPIs and outputs.

Strategic partnerships and lead magnet marketing are easier for this kind of entrepreneurial personality type.

3. The Skydiver

Skydiver loves the risk! They live for that arbitrage opportunity, so they’re most inclined to do paid media.

This type of personality is more willing to take higher risks due to higher rewards.

And this is how I’d categorize myself.

I just love the risk of the game. And if I can keep telling myself, I will quit tomorrow, but not today, I will keep trying. 

And the longer I stay within that zone, my ability to innovate and test allows me to have enough experience to help me win in my business.

Which one resonates with you? Listen or watch the full episode HERE to learn more about these personality types and what marketing activities best suit each type.


Additional Resources:

– Get your 14-day FREE trial of HighLevel here

– Grow your business with Matt here 

– Connect with Matt on Facebook here

– Follow Matt on Instagram here

Marketing with Matt is a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for more margin in their business through marketing and sales and eventually profit more and work less.

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