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Hustle culture puts work at the center of everything. But along with it comes an ugly truth that people are just beginning to talk about.

In today’s episode, I sit down with Alex Schlinsky as he unravels the truth behind the hustle culture and the life-changing event that led him to write his The ANTI-Hustler’s Handbook.

Today, he shares the biggest problem in modern entrepreneurship, his Define, Design, and Do framework, and his insights on how you can win the race of entrepreneurship.

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What’s Wrong with Hustle Culture?

Hustle harder. Never give up.

We’ve all seen those relentless motivational quotes on social media.

While it might seem enticing at first, there’s something amiss with this hustle-centric mindset that people need to talk about.

Don’t get me wrong – ambition and hard work are admirable traits. They are! And we’ve all been told that success only comes to those who put in the effort, and that’s true to some extent.

But the hustle culture takes this philosophy to a whole new level and is not necessarily healthy.

The problem with hustle culture?

It lies in the relentless pursuit of productivity and success at all costs. People are expected to be constantly on the grind, putting in those extra hours and sacrificing their well-being.

No wonder many people are burned out or struggling with mental and physical health issues.

The ANTI-Hustler

Our podcast guest for today is one of those who fell into that hustle culture trap. 

What’s worse is that instead of hustling hard so he could spend more time with his family in the future, he accelerated his heart surgery at the age of 29. And obviously, that was a big wake-up call for him.

As Alex said…

“When you go into a hospital and have heart surgery, you’re not thinking about all the impact you’ve made with your money. All you want is more time. It’s all you want. ‘Just please, please let me wake up. Give me more time.'”

And that eventually led Alex to write down his The ANTI-Hustler’s Handbook.

As the title suggests, it’s a book that unravels the ugly truth about the hustle culture and how to avoid falling into that trap.

If you still feel that resistance, try asking yourself this…

“How can you win the race of entrepreneurship if you don’t have a finish line? It’s the same idea as climbing a mountain. If you’re just climbing a mountain with no summit, you’re going to fall off the mountain at some point, right? And the ramifications of that might be heart surgery or losing your significant other because you’re prioritizing business over them. Or, you know, your kid is suddenly eight years old, and you realize you did not spend time with them because you were working so hard thinking you were doing it.”

Would you wait until you have your big wake-up call? 

Listen in or watch the full episode HERE to learn more about escaping the hustle culture and living according to your plan.

Additional Resources:

– Sign up for HighLevel’s LevelUp Summit 2023 here 

– Learn how to jumpstart your SaaS business for FREE here

– Grow your business with Matt here 

– Connect with Matt on Facebook here

– Follow Matt on Instagram here

Connect with Alex:

– Follow Alex on Instagram here

– Check out his The ANTI-Hustler’s Handbook on Amazon here

Marketing with Matt is a podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for more margin in their business through marketing and sales and eventually profit more and work less.

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